Main series
Assassin's Creed (Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad)
Assassin's Creed II (Ezio Auditore Da Firenze)
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Ezio Auditore Da Firenze)
Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Ezio Auditore Da Firenze)
Assassin's Creed III (Ratonhnhake`:ton / Connor Davenport)
- Assassin's Creed III: Liberation (Aveline de Grandpre`)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Edward Kenway)
Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry (Ade`wale`)
Assassin's Creed Rogue (Shay Cormac)
Assassin's Creed Unity (Arno Dorian)
Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Jacob Frye)
Assassin's Creed
Main article: Assassin's Creed (video game)

was going to be killed, but his life is spared by Lucy Stillman, an Assassin working as a mole within Abstergo, as she claims they might need to further examine his memories later. He comes to learn that a former test subject had left messages only Desmond can see, foretelling of the end of the world in 2012.
The first Assassin's Creed introduced elements that would remain cornerstones of the rest of the series. The game attempts to create historical versions of Masyaf (the Brotherhood's location), Jerusalem, Acre andDamascus, and incorporates a number of documented historical figures into the story. The virtualized Animus system, free running, climbing, stealth, and parkour elements were all present in this title, as well as the initial formulation of the combat system. The player would have to complete a number of side quests before they would be able to obtain an assassin quest from a local Brotherhood guidemaster in each city, though future games would abandon this prerequisite.
Assassin's Creed II
Main article: Assassin's Creed II

Similar to the first game, Assassin's Creed takes place in historical recreations of Venice, Florence, Forlì, San Gimignano, and the Tuscan countryside, and incorporates events during that period as part of the story. Missions are divided into main story missions, themselves divided into memory sequences reflected points along Ezio's life, and side missions which can be accomplished at any time; this approach to mission structure remains consistent in the other games in the series. The Monteriggioni villa provides several functions which can be expanded on by paying money for upgrades of surrounding buildings, or by purchasing artwork, weapons, and costumes for the villa; in turn, the villa will generate wealth for the player at a rate influenced by the upgrades and acquisition of these items. Additional quests involve locating secret Assassin seals, and finding hidden marks left by "Subject 16", a former Animus user, that hint at the nature of Minerva's society.
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Main article: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Animus to continue Ezio's memories, specifically to identify the location of the Apple. After facing against Rodrigo Borgia, Ezio returned to Monteriggioni, but the villa is soon attacked by forces under the command of
Brotherhood shares many of the same features as the previous game though it takes place primarily in Rome. Similar to the villa, the player is able to spend money to buy and upgrade shops and other facilities throughout the city as to increase revenue they can collect from it; however, the player will be required to destroy Borgia towers that control various sections of the city before they can do so. The Brotherhood of Assassins is introduced, by which, after saving citizens from certain events, the player can invite these citizens as Assassins; they can then be dispatched to remote locations across Europe to gain experience and money, or can be called in to help the player directly in a mission. For the first time in the series, the game features online multiplayer. Players play as Abstergo employees, who, through the use of the Animus, take on the genetic memories of Renaissance Templars in various game modes.[7]
Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Main article: Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Desmond comes to consciousness in a virtual area within the Animus, the Animus Island, where he meets the digital personality of Subject 16. Subject 16 explains that from the trauma of stabbing Lucy, Desmond must complete the memories of both Altaïr and Ezio to be able to separate his mind from theirs and to allow him to come out of his coma; however, doing so will destabilize the island as the Animus recovers that memory segment and at one point Subject 16 sacrifices himself to allow Desmond to continue. Desmond rejoins Ezio's story many years after Brotherhood, where Ezio is curious to the Assassin's origins and has traveled to Masyaf to locate their original headquarters. He finds Altaïr's library, though it is locked by five keys which the Templars are also seeking, believing there to be great power within it. Ezio travels to the Ottoman-era Constantinople where the keys are said to have been hidden by explorer Niccolò Polo, and finds the city embroiled by the feuding brothers Selim and Ahmet vying for the Sultanate, the Templars secretly behind the battle. While searching for the keys, Ezio meets and falls in love with Sofia Sartor. Eventually, Ahmet is revealed as the agent for the Templars, and is killed by Selim, who thanks Ezio for his help but banishes him from the city for his own good.

Revelations includes many new systems, including additional weapons. Bomb-crafting is now available, allowing the player to create explosive, distraction and tactical bombs, using materials found throughout the world and on Assassin's Guild missions. As the player progresses through, Ezio can train new recruits to defend "dens" (Assassin HQs) and an upgraded Assassin's missions section called "Mediterranean Defense" in which the player works to strip control of various cities from Templar hands. The hookblade is also introduced, which can be used in free-running (to travel along zip wires and climb more easily) and in combat (to manipulate enemies). Eagle Vision has been upgraded to Eagle Sense, which allows Ezio to not only see where his enemies and targets are but where they have been and where they are going to be. The multiplayer mode returns in Revelations, this time with more characters, modes, and maps, and by advancing up through levels of experience, the player learns more about Abstergo's history.
Assassin's Creed III
Main article: Assassin's Creed III
Desmond and his allies arrive at the Temple entrance in a cave in the New York area on October 31, 2012, and open its door using the Apple Of Eden, discovering a larger chamber of Precursor technology behind it, including another door requiring a key. Desmond suddenly falls into a fugue state, and is put into the Animus. There, he experiences the memories of a half Mohawk, half British man named Ratonhnhaké:ton(/ˈrəduːnˈhəɡeɪduːn/; "Ra-doon-ha-kay-doon"),[8] later dubbed Connor (Achilles calls him this in memory of his dead son), who lived through the American Revolution, as well as Connor's father, Haytham Kenway, who is later revealed as a British agent of the Templars. Kenway had gone to the Colonies in America with a stolen medallion, recruited Templar allies including Charles Lee, and worked to gain the trust of the Mohawk people to get them to show him the location of the Temple, but to his annoyance, the medallion did not open the Temple for him. Connor, as a young boy, witnesses Lee and his troops set fire to his village, killing his mother; years later, he is shown a Piece of Eden, through which Juno speaks to him and instructs him to get training from Master Assassin Achilles Davenport. Achilles takes Connor and teaches him about Assassins and introduces him to Patriots in the Revolution, through which Connor stops several Templar plans to disrupt their efforts including an assassination attempt against George Washington. During these memories, Desmond does recover from the fugue state, and helps his allies to recover power sources to power the Temple scattered about the globe, including one held by Abstergo.
Connor eventually encounters his father, but Kenway offers a cease fire, as he is also after Benjamin Church for usurping his authority. During their investigation, Kenway warns Connor that the Patriots, worried of the allegiance of the various tribes to the British, are seeking to remove Connor's people from their lands. Connor eventually hunts Lee down and kills him, taking the medallion and ending the Templar threat. He is despondent to find his tribe's village abandoned save for the Piece of Eden; through it, Juno tells him to bury the amulet. As December 21 approaches and signs of the solar flare begin to ensue, Desmond and his allies find the buried medallion, and use it at the inner Temple door, behind which is a control sphere. Juno appears and encourages Desmond to touch it, but Minerva appears and warns him to stop it, warning that this will release Juno as an entity that may protect against the solar flare but will be a threat to mankind in the future. Juno counters, explaining that Minerva would rather have most of humanity wiped out, with Desmond safe in the Temple to emerge as a religious figure to lead the survivors but ultimately leading into conflict. Desmond opts to release Juno, believing humanity will have a better chance fighting Juno. As his body is wracked by energy from the control sphere, an aurora surrounds the Earth and protects it from the solar flare. Juno tells the now fallen Desmond that his work is now done, and now it is time for her to do her work.
Assassin's Creed III is structured similarly to the previous games, with missions taking place on an open-world map based on Colonial Boston and New York, and offers a large wilderness area, the Frontier and in the Davenport Homestead, where the player can hunt animals for materials, which then subsequently can be used to construct goods to be traded and sold throughout the colonies. Naval battles were introduced, wherein the player must steer a warship named Aquila in dangerous waters and perform ship-to-ship combat with cannons and mounted guns. In Assassin's Creed III there are a large assortment of mini missions to play and many different outfits to purchase as the player progresses through the game. The modern-day aspects of the story were also significantly expanded, and featured missions taking place in, among other locations, Manhattan, Rome and Brazil.
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
Main article: Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
An original Assassin's Creed title for the PlayStation Vita was announced to be in development during Gamescom 2011, and would feature a new story with new characters. On June 4, 2012 at E3, Liberation was officially announced.[22] The main protagonist is a Creole female, named Aveline.[23] Aveline is the daughter of a French merchant father and an African mother. She is recruited into the Assassin Order by a former slave and fights against slavery as well as the Templars. Aveline uses a variety of new weapons in combat, including a machete and a blowpipe for ranged attacks.
It was announced on September 10, 2013, that the game would be re-released as Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows via the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcadeand Steam, respectively, in January 2014.[24]
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Main article: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Samples taken from Desmond Miles' body in the moments after his death have enabled Abstergo Industries to continue to explore his genetic memories using the Animus' newfound cloud computing abilities. The unnamed player character is hired by Abstergo's entertainment division to sift through the memories of Edward Kenway, an eighteenth-century pirate and the grandfather of Connor. Ostensibly, this is to gather material for an Animus-powered interactive feature film, but in reality, Abstergo and the Templars are searching for the Observatory, a Precursor structure that allows the user to see through the eyes of a subject. As Kenway, the player must unravel a conspiracy between high-ranking Templars to manipulate the British, Spanish and French empires into locating the Sage - later identified as Bartholomew Roberts - who is the only man who can lead them to the Observatory.

Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry
Born a slave, Adéwalé found freedom as a pirate aboard the Jackdaw as Captain Edward Kenway's second-in-command. Fifteen years later, Adéwalé has become a trained assassin and finds himself shipwrecked in Saint-Domingue with no weapon nor crew, starting a new adventure of his own to free slaves in the caribbean.
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Main article: Assassin's Creed Rogue

Assassin's Creed Unity
Main article: Assassin's Creed Unity

Assassin's Creed Victory

Set within London in 1868 during the Industrial Revolution, the story follows twins Jacob and Evie Frye as they navigate the corridors of organized crime during the Victorian era and fight against the established order, controlled by the Templars. The game retains the series' third-person open world exploration as well as introducing new traveling systems and refined combat and stealth mechanics. It does not feature any form of multiplayer gameplay
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